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Project management and team chat in one tool for product development

Stackfield supports the development process of new products while protecting all content from third-party access, in order not to jeopardize competitive advantages.
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Trusted by over 10,000 companies since 2012

High functionality and secure communication in development

As a project management software, Stackfield was created especially for the use in the product development. In addition to a high level of functionality, we offer a data protection compliant space for your content and adaptability for individual working methods - from the conception phase to the second of the market launch.

Stackfield combines all functions project teams need to collaborate and to successfully execute projects. The flexible data room can be individually adapted according to your needs.


can not
see your messages, files or tasks!

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Topic-related communication

For the improvement of new innovations, the own testing team is just as important as critical customer feedback. For both types of user reviews, it makes sense to create separate rooms with team chats where the entire team can be quickly informed about problems.

The room-specific team chat connects all other modules (e.g. tasks and files), ensuring that communication is always topic-related.

Project and task management

Especially for bigger projects, taks management is indispensable. Therefore Stackfield offers all common project views including a Kanban Board and a Gantt Chart. These views support teams in implementing individual workflows and sprints as well as in scheduling the overall project.

Within tasks, you can store all important key data, such as subtasks, assignments, time entries, deadlines, descriptions or dependencies.

Central requirements records

The elaboration and maintenance of product requirements is essential for the further development process. The product owner or product manager records core information for project planning within the functional pages, for example.

These can be provided with additional content (e.g., files). Also you can comment on and version them, to ensure a free exchange of ideas and that changes remain easy to track.

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