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Task distribution in a team » 6 quick & effective steps

4 min read

You can significantly increase your team's productivity with appropriate task distribution. All the more so if you manage to distribute tasks quickly and effectively within the team. But what is the best way to tackle the challenge of distributing many tasks "correctly" in a large team? We have a guide with 6 steps and practical tips for you!

What should you consider when distributing tasks within a team?

Good preparation pays off: To ensure that your team members can complete all tasks successfully, you need precise targets. So be clear about what result you expect from each task and communicate this clearly and comprehensibly. As a rule, you will then also achieve better quality results.

Let your team also feel that you are actively involving them in the distribution of tasks. You can achieve this firstly by obtaining feedback from your team. Secondly, by informing your team about possible challenges and important milestones in the project at an early stage. If your team feels taken seriously, motivation will increase. You can also increase this by communicating the meaningfulness of the tasks to your team, e.g. for greater customer satisfaction.

Guide: Quick & effective task distribution

As a team leader, would you now like to optimise the distribution of tasks - but don't know how? Our guide will help you to create and distribute tasks in 6 structured steps without wasting time unnecessarily:

1. Create a complete to-do list

Which tasks need to be completed as part of regular work processes or to achieve a specific project goal? Do all tasks actually make sense? Make sure that you also include supposedly small tasks in the list. This is the only way to ensure realistic resource planning.
Also use this step to reflect on the general status quo: Where has the distribution of tasks in the team worked well so far and where would you like to initiate changes?

2. Distribute tasks to the team members

In order for the entire team to work efficiently, the actual distribution of tasks within the team depends on these aspects, among others:

  • Take the individual skills and experience of each employee into account when assigning tasks.
  • Check whether roles assigned in the past are actually suitable and reassign them if necessary.
  • Are the time resources of all team members utilised equally, so that employees are neither overworked nor underworked?

3. Identifying and closing responsibility gaps

Have all tasks been clearly assigned to specific team members? Or are some tasks still open? In this case, you have two options: Are there team members who have the necessary skills and time resources to complete the tasks that have not yet been assigned? Or does your team need (external) reinforcement?

4. Defining and communicating framework conditions

To ensure that project goals are successfully achieved or work processes are structured, you set deadlines for all tasks. However, you should also allow sufficient buffer time for completion.
Also ask the team members whether they need further information or resources. Or whether coordination with another team is necessary to complete certain tasks.

5. Obtain feedback from the team and take it into account

After assigning tasks, ask your team for honest feedback: Are all employees satisfied with their to-dos and responsibilities? Can they really make good use of their skills and competences in their assigned role? Do the team members feel that the time frame is realistic? By making any necessary adjustments, you can ensure that your team tackles all tasks efficiently and with motivation right from the start.

6. Regularly review the distribution of tasks in the team

Either agree on one or two fixed dates per year or use events such as the completion of projects or milestones in the course of the project to review the distribution of tasks within the team. Changes to the distribution of tasks can be useful if, for example, a team member expresses great dissatisfaction with their role. There are also circumstances, such as a team member's prolonged illness or parental leave, that require a reallocation or redistribution of tasks.

5 practical tips: How you can quickly distribute tasks in a team!

In practice, the use of a collaboration tool such as Stackfield has proven its worth for quickly distributing tasks within a team. It allows tasks to be clearly assigned and managed. Team members can also find all work materials and information on responsibilities and progress in one central location at all times.

So what can the distribution of tasks in the team look like in practice?

Tip 1: On Stackfield there are so-called rooms (they for example represent a department or a project). You create tasks in these rooms. You can attach all the necessary information to the tasks and add explanations / work instructions etc. if necessary. Then you assign a task to a team member (with a due date).

Tip 2: Extensive tasks can be divided into subtasks. Like tasks, you can assign due dates to them and assign them to different people.

Tip 3: To structure tasks in rooms, e.g. by prioritising them, you can use labels and custom fields.

Tip 4: You can create routine tasks on Stackfield as recurring tasks and delegate them permanently. This gives you more time for strategic tasks.

Tip 5: With the communication functions on Stackfield, e.g. chats, comments or video conferences, you can communicate clearly and easily with your team as early as the coordination process for task allocation. You can also use the various communication channels to exchange information while the tasks are being completed.

Task Board on Stackfield
Kanban board with tasks on Stackfield

To ensure that your team members always have an overview of their tasks, My Week on Stackfield clearly shows them which tasks are due for each day. With the member perspective, you as the team leader also have an overview of when which tasks are due for which team member.

Conclusion: Task distribution in a team made easy with digital support!

An effective distribution of tasks ensures that your team can work even more efficiently and deliver higher quality results. The fair utilisation of employees can also lead to greater job satisfaction. A collaboration tool is your strongest partner when it comes to quickly and intelligently distributing tasks within your team. It supports you in resource planning and gives you the necessary overview.

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Cristian Mudure
About the Author:
Cristian Mudure is the Founder and CEO of Stackfield. He loves digital business models and spends his spare time on the tennis court.
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