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Security Academy

Encryption – from SSL/TLS to HTTPS to end-to-end

Anyone who processes sensitive data should ensure secure encryption. The following encryption methods should be known to protect data properly.
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
3 min read

Digital workplace: This is what you need to know!

Companies all over the world are changing the way they work. This is what you should know if you are interested in introducing a digital workplace.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
6 min read
Product Updates

Preview of Stackfield 4

Stackfield 4 will be available soon: brand-new features for easier team collaboration, more intuitive user interface and easier processes.
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
2 min read

Groupware vs. E-Collaboration vs. Social Collaboration

While E-Collaboration is often used as an umbrella term, the borders between Social Collaboration and Group Ware are blurry. Here is an explanation.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read
Product Updates

Ease of use is everything

As many of you have already noticed, Stackfield has visually and technically developed during the last week. For this reason we will...
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
4 min read

Microproductivity: with small steps to big wins

Microproductivity helps you to master those huge monster tasks. Thanks to the step-by-step approach, you'll work with more motivation and productivity.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
7 min read
Product Updates

Using Stackfield on your own server

With the new on-premise version, Stackfield can now also be hosted and used on your own server. Below you will find all information about it!
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read
Product Updates

Goodbye Masterpassword

Our new update brings major changes, and these are already visible after your first login: The Masterpassword is gone.But this has no impact on Stackfield.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read

How to successfully collaborate with freelancers in Stackfield

Stackfield supports you in working with freelancers through project rooms, roles and rights distribution, time tracking, and more.
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
5 min read

How does Stackfield deal with the Corona crisis?

COVID-19: Cristian Mudure, CEO & Founder of Stackfield, on how Stackfield is dealing with the Corona-Crisis. A letter about impacts and Actions.
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
2 min read
Product Updates

Hello Dropbox - Part 1

The first external integration is available now: Dropbox! Simply add files from Dropbox to your Stacks and share them with your colleagues!
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read

Legal management: What a law firm can learn from an IT company

Law firms and IT companies could not be more different. Now, lawyers are venturing into the terrain of the IT industry to improve legal management.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
9 min read

How you create the perfect project plan in 5 simple steps

The ability to manage projects is one of the most crucial skills. Here’s why it matters and how to go about creating a project plan yourself.
Dorothea HeroldDorothea Herold
7 min read
Product Updates

Advanced subtasks and possibilities for text formatting

With the advanced subtasks, it is now possible to add an additional description, to assign them to multiple persons and to comment directly on them.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read
Product Updates

Migrating from HipChat / Stride to Stackfield

As the self-hosted version of HipChat is no longer under development, there is the following offering to migrate HipChat data to Stackfield.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
1 min read

A close up to agile project management: Scrum vs. Kanban

We decided to take the agile duo - Scrum and Kanban - under the magnifying glass and find out their characteristics, similarities, and differences.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
11 min read
Product Updates

Preview of Office documents

From now on Stackfield offers a preview option for Office documents to all Premium and Enterprise users so you can view files directly within Stackfield.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
3 min read
Product Updates

The new Premium Update

After our huge update Stackfield 4 the time has come for some new updates already: extended project overviews, unlimited number of Externals and more...
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
9 min read