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How Stackfield works with Stackfield

You have problems with task management despite sophisticated software solution? Simple rules help to improve communication and collaboration on tasks.
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
6 min read

How to define the project scope

The definition of the project scope plays a decisive role for the success or failure of a project. This is what you should pay attention to.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
8 min read
Product Updates

The future of Stackfield

We look back on the developments of the last months, like the mobile and desktop apps, and give an outlook on the future developments of Stackfield!
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
7 min read

Our journey from 0 to 5 million € annual recurring revenues

From 0 to 5 million € recurring subscription revenues. What were the challenges and what experiences have we made on the way there?
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
9 min read

Project management roles in contrast

Differentiating the various project management roles is not always easy. What is the difference between Project or Product Manager, Product Owner & Co.?
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
9 min read
Product Updates

Portfolio 2.0: automated Alerts and a better overview

With our new update, you get a more detailed overview and helpful alerts, informing you immediately as soon as problems occur in one of your projects.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
6 min read
Product Updates

Update: Stackfield 4 is now available!

We just released Stackfield 4! Now available: Gantt Charts, different room types, better task management, a more intuitive user interface and much more...
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
13 min read
Product Updates

Desktop-Apps for Windows and Mac

The desktop apps for Windows and Mac are now available! These offer additional functions, such as the local editing of files or native notifications.
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
2 min read

Scope Creeps: Once bitten, twice shy!

Scope creeps pose a major threat to projects. We list the most common triggers and the most important preventive measures so you'll never face them again!
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
7 min read
Product Updates

Reactions, cross-organization messages and more

Aesthetic, intuitive, clearly structured: This update comes with reactions, enhanced file previews, cross-organizational messages and more...
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
3 min read

The truth about New Work: reality vs. imagination

It creates a certain picture in the minds of people when talking about New Work. But does this picture actually show the reality or only what we desire?
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
7 min read
Product Updates

Tasks Reloaded

Our newest update addresses the optimization of task module, which can now be used with even more flexibility. The following features have been added.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
3 min read
Product Updates

Easier filtering

Until now, it was only possible to tag individual persons in a post by using the @-symbol. Through the tag @all, all members of a data room
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read

7 project management issues + 7 tools to solve them!

Nearly every team knows these 7 common project management issues. However, each of these problems can be solved by using the right tools.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
7 min read
Product Updates

Thanks for 2013. Hello 2014!

Thank you for a great year! Stackfield, with its clientside encryption, gained a lot of attention of media and got a lot of new customers.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
1 min read
Product Updates

Great emotions at work - New Emojis

A new feature, which many Stackfield users will definitely like: New Emojis make the workday more colorful and lively! Have fun with it!
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
0 min read

Privacy Shield: What is the alternative?

The Privacy Shield has been striked down as it is not consistent with the GDPR. Cloud Act and Patriot Act make US tools a threat to EU data protection.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
4 min read
Product Updates

Stackfield for Business Teams

The latest update focuses on the optimization of the team structure by adding organizations and the indroduction of unencrypted rooms.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
7 min read