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Quick assignment via keyboard shortcut

By using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + A" (Windows) or "Cmd + A" (Mac) in the user assignment, all existing members in a room can be added to the following entries with just one click, regardless of their role:

To do this, open the desired entry. The list of users can be viewed and selected via "+" for Assigned (task / sub-task) or Participant (appointment). (If the focus is on a text field, the text is still highlighted, otherwise the members are invited).

Note: The assignment cannot be completely reversed with a single click. It is therefore recommended to test the function in a demo room before using it on productive data.

Quick assignment for Tasks
Assign all room members to a task / subtask at once

For appointments, there are also options to add users via the "Invite all" button and / or invite a team.

Note: Further information on available keyboard shortcuts in Stackfield can be found in the article "Keyboard navigation and accessibility".

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