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Working with Room Templates

When creating rooms and having processes or projects with similar workflows or structures, room templates can be a good basis to start with. Through these templates general tasks, materials, or other content can be created and easily applied to multiple similar projects.

Note: Room templates are only visible and usable when creating a room for authorized users with the role Member / Admin. Only members of a room template with the respective rights can access end edit them beforehand.

How do I create a room template?

To create a room template, click on the button "+ Create New" at the top of the sidebar and select the option "New Room Template...".*

Creating a room template
Create a room template via the sidebar

In the now opened popup, you can then assign a name and, if necessary, enable the End-to-End Encryption. The encryption is only valid for the room template itself, not for rooms based on the template. Finally, click on the button "Create New Room Template" to complete the process.

Define a name and activate / deactivate the end-to-end encryption
Assign a name and activate / deactivate the End-to-End Encryption

The room template will now open automatically and can be edited by you according to your wishes. However, you can still edit the room template afterwards.

*Tip: You can also create a room template through the global search.

Note: As the admin of an End-to-End encrypted room template, make sure to keep the password (can be found within the "Room Settings") accessible at all times.

Where can I find an overview of all existing room templates?

All already created room templates by your organization as well as Stackfield's global room templates can be viewed by clicking the small arrow next to "Rooms" in the sidebar and selecting the option "Room Templates" or alternatively, directly through the global search.

Access room templates
Access room templates via small arrow

The tab All in the overview shows all room templates created by users of your organization as well as Stackfield's global room templates. In the top left corner you can search for room templates.

Overview Room Templates
All available room templates

To only view the room templates created by your organization switch to the tab From this Organization in the top left. Note: Only members of a room template can view the template and, given the appropriate right groups, edit it. However, each template can be used by everyone when creating a room.

Room Templates from your organization
Room templates created by your organization

How do I edit a room template?

You can either edit a room template directly after creating it or afterwards through the overview. To edit a template afterwards open the overview, and click on the pencil icon (visible via mouseover over the corresponding template). If necessary, use the search in the top left to find the template.

Within the template, you can now make all necessary changes, like creating a task or uploading files. You can even add users and individual right groups that should be included in the room by default.

Note: Only a member of the room with the appropriate rights can open and edit a template. It is not necessary to save the template separately.

A template can be opened and edited through the dashboard
A template can be edited afterwards

How do I use a room template?

Notes: Users with the role Member may be required to use room templates (see: Options for admins)!

To use a room template, click on the plus icon, for example, next to "Rooms", within the sidebar, and select the option "New room...". Now, a dialog window opens and you can assign a name as usual and select the end-to-end-encryption if necessary.

Now, to pick a template, click on the button "Create from template..". You will then be redirected to the overview and can choose the desired template by clicking on "Use this Template" (hover over the respective template). Tip: For Stackfield's global room templates, click on the cover image to open the preview and then select "Use this Template".

Choose the needed template while creating a room
Select a room template in the overview

After selecting the required template you can define all missing room settings like the room type. Finally, click on "Create New Room" to confirm your selection and add a room based on the template.

How do I delete a room template?

To delete a room template, open the overview and click on the pencil icon (visible via mouseover over the corresponding template). Next, click on the name of the template in the top left and select the option "Delete Room template...". After you have confirmed the deletion process, the template will be deleted irrevocably.

Delete room template irrevocably
Delete room template irrevocably

Options for admins

Within the settings of your organization admins of the organization can determine which users, or more precisely which user roles, are allowed to create room templates and whether users with the role Member must use room templates when creating a new room.

If a room template has been (accidentally) deleted, users with the Admin and Member roles can restore it using the recycle bin feature.

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