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Editing / Deleting entries

When editing contents, additions and/or changes can be made. In other words, the old content is replaced by a new one.

When deleting contents, these are irrevocably deleted, unless the recycle bin function is activated. If the element (without time restriction through the system) is to be restored on demand, the option "Archiving" is the right choice. If you wish, you can also export or download the content before deleting it.

Note: Individual functions may be unavailable / restricted due to settings of the organization and/or your assigned right group (see: Options for admins)!

Editing messages / comments / attachments

Any messages and comments you have already sent can be edited (on short notice) to correct small errors or incorrect information using the arrow up key on your keyboard.

Editing messages / comments 1
Editing messages / comments via arrow up key

Alternatively, you can edit entries by clicking the more button (symbol: three dots), which is visible by mouse-over on the right side at the end of your message / comment.

Editing messages / comments 2
Editing messages / comments via the more button

You can open attached files (or links attached as files) within the superordinate entry with a click on the preview image of the file (or the link symbol) and then edit them via the more button (symbol: three dots).

Editing additional entries

Entries within a room can be edited if the relevant rights (keyword: right group, editing rights for room contents) are available. This is always possible in an opened entry or for some options in the overview with a right click.

Editing entries
Edit entries (here: task) in the overview with a right click

Tip: Select multiple entries in the overview of the module and edit them in one go.

The creator, subscribers and (for tasks / events) assigned users / members are informed about the editing of entries within My Week.* Changes made to entries can be viewed in the history ("Last Activity").

Entries changes
Changes made on entries can be viewed in the history

*Note: You will not be informed about own editing of entries.

Deleting messages / comments / attachments

You can delete your own messages and comments, if the respective rights are given. Simply, click on the more button (symbol: three dots) on the right at the end of the message / comment and select the option Delete. To avoid accidental deletion, a security question is displayed.

Delete comment
Deleting a comment
Security question entry
Security question when deleting a message / comment / entry

You can open attached files (or links attached as files) within the superordinate entry with a click on the preview image of the file (or the link symbol) and then delete them via the more button (symbol: three dots). The files will be deleted entirely, including from the room.

Delete file via more button
Delete an attached file from the Room

If you only want to remove the file from the entry, detach it (see: Detach file).

Deleting additional entries

Entries within a room can be deleted if the relevant rights are available. Simply right click them in the overview or click the more button (symbol: three dots) within the opened entry.

Delete entry
Possibility 1: Deleting an entry in the overview
Delete entry 2
Possibility 2: Deleting an entry in the opened state via more button

Tip: Select multiple entries in the overview of the module and delete them in one go.

The creator, subscribers and (for tasks / events) assigned users / members are informed about the deletion of entries within My Week.* Changes made to entries cannot be viewed in the history ("Last Activity").

*Note: You will not be informed about own editing of entries.

Watch out: The modules are interconnected. For example, if a task is deleted in the communication module, it will no longer be included in the task / timeline / calendar module. If you want to hide something in the communication module, use the filter option.

Pay attention to attachments

To avoid accidental deletion, a confirmation prompt is displayed when deleting any element. This also applies to archived entries.

By clicking "Delete everything"*, you will also delete all attachments of the element, such as comments or files. The attached files will then no longer be available within the files module. If you do not want to delete the attached files, click "Delete task / page / ... only" in the dialog box of the confirmation prompt or append the files before deleting them / create a copy of them.

Confirmation prompt deleting process
Decide whether attached files should be deleted as well

*This button will only be displayed if the element has attached files.

You only want to delete the attached file? The procedure is explained here.

Pay attention to versions

If you delete a page / file, you will also automatically delete all of its versions.

For files, you have the possibility to delete only the latest version. Simply, click on the more button (symbol: three dots) in the upper right corner of the opened file and select the option "Delete Latest Version".

Delete latest version via more button
Delete only the latest version of a file

Pages can be reset to a previous version of your choice. Simply, select the requested version from the dropdown menu in the upper left corner and click the button "Roll back to this version".

Roll back to previous version
Reset page to older version

Options for admins

Note: Organization settings have priority over room settings!

On organization level

You can define if and how long messages and comments can be edited or deleted in the tab Permissions within the organization settings (Options: anytime / never / one minute).

Permissions editing / deleting messages
Permissions editing / deleting messages

Accidentally deleted entries can be restored with the recycle bin function from the Premium plan onwards.

On room level

In the room settings, you can use right groups concerning the editing of contents to control, among other things, whether and what users may edit / delete. The editing of entries is represented by the option "Update". In case the room settings for messages / comments collide with the organization settings, a note will appear when creating / modifying a right group in the communication module.

Right groups editing / deleting
Create new right group


  • Users with the default right group Contributor can only delete entries they have created themselves (exception: tasks).
  • Entries created through email integration / WebHooks do not count as self-created entries, but as foreign entries and are accordingly also considered in the right group. I. e. you can only edit / delete such an entry if you have the authority to edit / delete all entries in the room.

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