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Working with the communication module and the comment area

The communication module includes the history of all activities, the team chat and system messages within a room / a direct message. In other modules there is also a separate comment area. Our search function (global search, "Search all messages") makes it easy to find keywords, and therefore specific messages.

Alternative for longer conversations: Working with discussions

Note: Individual functions / modules may be unavailable / renamed due to settings of the organization, the room and / or your assigned right group (see: Options for admins)!

Creating entries


In the communication module, you can write individual messages using the text input field and send them by pressing the enter key.

Text input field
Send message via text input field

Alternatively, a "Send"-button can be activated in the account settings, in which case the enter key takes over the function of a line break.

Convert messages into discussions

If the discussion module is activated, individual messages can also be subsequently converted into discussions for a more organized thread. All you need to do is click on the speech bubble symbol which appears on mouseover at the right-hand end of the message.

Create discussion
Convert a message into discussion via the speech bubbles symbol

The discussion now carries the message as its title and relevant fields like description, status or label can be filled in / selected.

Further entries

Within the communication module you can not only send messages but also create other entries such as tasks, pages, or events. To do so, click on the plus icon on the left of the text input field and select the required option. Alternatively, this is also possible in the respective module.

New entry
New entry via the plus icon next to the text input field


Comments are messages in the comment area of an existing entry (e. g. a task).

In an open file (or its preview) / page, the comment area can be expanded / collapsed by clicking on the speech bubble symbol in the top right-hand corner. In the opened comment area, comments can be left via the text input field using the Enter key (alternatively: "Send" button).

Comment section
Open comment section via speech bubble icon

For discussions, tasks and events, comments can be written using the text input field "Your comment…" and the enter key (alternative: "Send" button). After sending the first comment (or attaching the first file) the comment section can be found in the lower area at any time.

Your comment
Comment entries via text input field "Your comment…"

Through email integration

Through email integration automatic forwarding of emails to rooms as tasks can be created. The message then contains the full text of the email, including key data such as the subject, sender and time.

If the email integration is enabled directly in a discussion / task, forwarded emails are attached to the element as comments.

Message options

React to messages

Message options
By mouse-over the message options can be selected
Options, callable by mouseover:

*Note: These options are only available in the communication module for standalone messages (not in the comment section of other entries).

By replying to messages, older messages can be retrieved from a chat and a new reference can be created. Simply click on the reply arrow button that appears on mouseover at the right end of the message. Then add text and / or emojis, stickers, or GIFs and send the message by pressing Enter.

Now, a reference to the original message is created. References to own messages are marked in yellow, all other references are marked in light gray. With a click on the reference, you will be taken to the corresponding location in the thread, which will briefly light up in yellow.

Reply to messages via the reply arrow

References and mentions

In the communication module as well as in the comment area, users can be directly addressed / asked something by placing an @-mention.

A reference, link or attachment can be used to refer to other elements. Annotations to files / pages can be placed directly in the image or text of the page by a marker positioned at the spot to be clarified and will then appear in the comment area.


By using special characters at the beginning and end of the text, the text in Stackfield can be formatted. See: How to format messages.

A paragraph / line break can be created with Shift + Enter, or, if the "Send" button is activated, only with the Enter key.

If you copy the contents of an Excel file (right-click or Windows: Ctrl + C / Mac: Cmd + C) and paste it directly into a text input field (right-click or Windows: Ctrl + V / Mac: Cmd + V), only the text is copied without formatting. If, however, no field is focused during insertion (→ place the cursor next to the text input field), it will be appended as an image with the appropriate formatting.

Formatting by different insertion of the contents

Filtering in the communication module

The communication stream can be filtered in rooms according to different content so that only relevant entries are displayed and the rest is simply hidden. These settings only apply to the current user and cannot be specified for other users.

These options can be found via the More button (symbol: three dots) next to the Communication tab. The filter options can be selected under "Filter". The filter "Chat Messages" always takes effect.

The contents of the module can be filtered using the "More" button

If a filter is activated, you can tell by the three green lines that appear instead of the arrow.

Activated Filter
Activated filter in the communication module

If you want to deactivate the filter again, the best way to do this is to select "All activities".

Note: The filter affects the notifications in the room. Notifications to the "outside" can be configured individually, e.g. if no general changes are relevant. Filters are also available for the other modules.

History, Timestamp and Read Confirmation and timestamp


The history within the communication module and in the comment area is completely visible to newly added users in the room, i.e. they can also read chat content that was created before they were added.

Within the stream, the communication module immediately displays all changes in chronological order. Not all contents are visible to you? Then check if a filter is activated or if you are not allowed to see all entries due to an individual right group.

Communication stream
History in the communication module

Within the comment area, all activities concerning the element (e.g. the file, the task, ...) can be expanded or collapsed using the button "Show history" / "Hide history".

Hide history
History within the comment area

When creating a new version of a page / file, a comment is added as a note of the change. This way you can always see which version a comment refers to. Markers are included in the history as well. Clarified annotations can be hidden / shown in the history within the comment area via the More button (symbol: three dots).


When a message is sent or shared in Stackfield, the time at which it was sent appears at the end of the bar. By mouse-over, the date is also displayed.

Timestamp with date and time

Read confirmation: "Read by…"

If chat messages or other entries in the communication module have been read by one or more members, a tick appears underneath with a list of the members concerned if read confirmation is activated.

Read confirmation
If a comment was read, a read confirmation appears

Note: This only refers only to the last content that the person was authorized to read. This does not necessarily have to be the last post (visible to you). The right groups in the room can be defined in the room settings.

For files, there is an additional possibility to check who has accessed them at what time by using the more button (symbol: three dots) (see: Accesses).

More features

Options for admins

Further articles

Use case: Disallowing chat messages

Via individual right groups, the sending of chat messages in the communication module can be prohibited. This way, users can only leave their messages related to a specific topic, e.g. discussions or tasks.

Simply create a new right group and remove the checkmark next to "Add - New entries" in the Communication section.

Prohibit the creation of messages via an individual right group
Prohibit the creation of messages in the "Communication" module

For users of this right group, a note now appears in the text input field, which informs about the missing authorization. The entries in the history remain visible.

No authorization to send chat messages
The right group prohibits the sending of loose chat messages

Use case: (De)activating read confirmation

The read confirmation can be (de)activated in the organization settings. This option can be found under the Settings tab. Clicking on the radio button on the right allows you to choose between the settings "Activated" and "Deactivated". The "Activated" option is enabled by default. If "Deactivated" is selected, users can no longer see read confirmations.

(De)activating read confirmations
The read comfirmation can be (de)activated in the organization settings
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