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How to use the Stackfield recycle bin (Premium Feature)

With the Recycle Bin feature, you can restore (accidentally) deleted entries and rooms. After 30 days deleted entries / rooms are automatically removed from the recycle bin.

Note: The feature Recycle Bin is available from the Premium Plan. The recycle bin or rather its contents may not be available to you due to the settings of your organization and/or your assigned right group.

Tip: You don't know whether you will need an entry / room again at a later time? Don't delete the entry / room, but archive it instead. In contrary to the recycle bin, the archive is not emptied automatically.

How does the recycle bin work?

If the recycle bin is activated in your organization, starting from the point of activation, all entries*, rooms, and room templates that have been deleted by you or other users of the organization are kept in the recycle bin for 30 days. Entries that have been deleted before the activation of the recycle bin will not be kept in the recycle bin.

*Entries from the following modules are kept in the recycle bin

  • Tasks
  • Files (loose or as attachment)
  • Discussions
  • Calendar
  • Pages
  • Whiteboards

The deleted entries and rooms can be viewed in the recycle bin and restored including their contents.

Learn more on how to delete entries here.
Click here to learn more about rooms.

Note: Templates of entries from a room (e.g. task or whiteboard templates) are not transferred; these are permanently removed when they are deleted. If a template is still to be used later, save it as a task etc. and then delete it.

Where can I find the recycle bin?

You can open the recycle bin either via the global search (magnifying glass symbol in the sidebar top right) or by pressing the button "More" in the top area of your sidebar.

Find the recycle bin on Stackfield
The recycle bin can be opened via the global search

Navigation inside the recycle bin

To search for a specific entry or room inside the recycle bin use the search in the upper area by entering a keyword in the text input field. Next, all corresponding entries / rooms are displayed to you.

In the top right, you can find different filters. Click on All Members to restrict the view on entries or rooms that have been deleted by a specific person. On the right you can choose if you want to only display rooms or entries from a specific module.

Filter in the recycle bin
Further restrict the view by using filters

Restoring entries / rooms

Note: Not everybody can restore entries / rooms, see: Availability. The recycle bin has to be activated in your organization.

To restore an entry, first search or filter for the desired entry, if necessary. Once you have found the entry, open it with a click and select Restore in the grayed-out area. Now, the entry will be moved to its original location. For example, for a task, that's the room where the task was deleted. For files, pages, and whiteboards, it can also be inside a folder. Use the module search to find the entry in the room, if need be.

Restoring a task
Reverse the deletion process by clicking Restore

The restoring of an entry is added to the history in the comment section.

History of a task
The history keeps track of any deletion or restoring of a task

If you want to restore a room simply click on Restore next to the room name. Note: Rooms are brought to their original location as well, for example inside a room group. If necessary, use the global search to quickly find the restored room.

Restoring a room
You can easily restore a room by clicking the Restore button

Options for admins

Whenever you have questions on any features, your plan, or an upgrade to Premium Plan, don't hesitate to contact our support, we are happy to help.

Availability inside the recycle bin

The availability of the recycle bin can be restricted due to your user role on an organizational level. Users with the role Admin and Member have access to the recycle bin and its contents and can restore them when needed. Users with the role Guest and External, however, don't have any access.

Only contents you have access to are displayed to you in the recycle bin (see right groups in the room, analogous to the archive feature).

(De)Activating the recycle bin

As an admin of your organization you can (de)activate the recycle bin in the organization settings. Simply open the settings of your organization and switch to the tab Settings. Now, select the desired setting next to Recycle bin and save your changes.

(De)Activate the recycle bin feature
(De)Activate the recycle bin feature in your organization settings

When deactivating the recycle bin a query will appear to confirm the process. The popup window additionally contains a hint informing you that all contents of the recycle bin will be deleted within 24 hours after the deactivation.

Hint when deactivating the recycle bin
Note when deactivating the recycle bin

All other admins of the organization will receive an email notification whenever changes are made to the recycle bin settings to ensure that any changes made in error can be corrected promptly. For example, if deactivated, it is possible to reactivate the recycle bin before the contents of the recycle bin are irrevocably deleted or, if activated, to prevent deleted content from being stored.

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